Monday, December 28, 2009

Airstream Jesus

A church down the street from our house sells Christmas trees and wreaths in its parking lot every year. They always place a mini nativity decoration in front of their sale trailer--to try to "Keep the Christ in Christmas" I suppose.

Each year I chuckle when I drive by and notice the holy family huddled in front of the Airstream trailer. It is a vision that raises all sorts of amusing questions in one's mind. Most of my questions, in all likelihood, being fairly offensive to some.

This said, I believe that God has a very keen sense of humor and may very well enjoy a laugh from the thoughts that come to my mind.

Below are just a few of my questions and thoughts....if you feel inspired, add some of your own in the comments field.

  • O.K., I understand that there was no room at the inn. But, wouldn't an Airstream be at least a little more comfortable than a manger?
  • The humble beginnings of the King of Kings is charming enough.....but, an Airstream trailer? Come on. Humble is one thing, white trash is another.
  • What did the Magi bring---a six pack, beef jerky and a propane tank?
  • Maybe the holy family would have blended better with a different wardrobe selection--perhaps cut off shorts and flip flops.


  1. Are they huddling around a six-pack of Old Style or baby Jesus? Hard to tell...

    Perhaps you could also call it Jesus On Ice - or - Ice On Jesus, depending on your point of view.

  2. I like the idea of Jesus on Ice--could be a spectacular show. "Tonight starring Tony Danza as Joseph, Britney Spears as the Virgin Mother and Hayes Logan Costner as THE BABY JESUS!!!"

  3. I have a few questions/comments:
    1. Why is the baby Jesus completely covered in snow? How do we know that's him in there? Perhaps it's an imposter. Either way, how does he/it breathe?
    2. Look closely, there's a power cord in the manger. Why don't Mary and Joseph plug in a heater? And, which of the Magi provided electricity? Very foward thinking!
    3. What is Joseph doing with that staff...looks mighty suspicious to me :)

  4. I am cracking up Jeanne--I did not even notice the power cord. A heater would have solved a lot of problems. And now that you mention it, I am going to go back down there and make sure that it is baby Jesus in the manger.
