Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Best Days Are Not Over

I suppose that there are voices in every generation saying that our best days are behind us—the “good old days” are to be remembered longingly and nothing else will ever be as good.

I do not buy this. Yes, we all have fond memories of yesterday, but tomorrow holds so much promise. And, I do have faith in the strength of America and the resiliency of her people. This being said, from my perspective many of the elements that have fostered American strength and resiliency—self-reliance, modest pride, love of community, dedication to family, hard work, doing whatever it takes--have been eroded. A sense of entitlement, lack of personal responsibility and victim-hood has replaced many of our former sensibilities.

We are going to have a very long and for many an unpleasant journey to reclaim a more productive spirit.

The reality is, what has caused our current recession, our healthcare crisis, our education system crisis is a fundamental failure of individuals, our business community and our government. Everything our nation is currently facing has been brewing for a long time and we all knew it—we just chose to ignore it. The day of reckoning has arrived.

How will each of us respond?

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