Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Health Care Debate Resources

I implore Americans not to formulate ultimate opinions based on the rhetoric of cable news personalities or extremist (on either side) politicians. There are no proposed death panels...this is not a government plot to kill off the eldery...these kinds of statements and viral e-mails are ridiculous and irresponsible. We are better than this. We are braver than this. We are smarter than this.

I have begun compiling information resources that I believe might be helpful. I acknowledge the reality that most Americans (myself included) do not have time and cannot be expected to read thousands upon thousands of pages of proposed legislation. However, we all MUST MAKE the time to do our due
diligence. We must make the time to write our representatives and the White House. Our individual health and the health of our family, friends and children depend on an intelligent debate.

The following are sources of information on this issue that are serious...not based on personalities show boating for ratings. I may not agree with all of the views contained within these resources, but they are none the less resources/idea worthy, in my opinion, of consideration. I will add resources to this post as I find them, so please check back. If you are familiar with helpful resources, please post them as comments. I will edit the post so that they can be added to the resouce library.

Transcript of 9/9/2009 Obama Address to Joint Session of Congress

Video, Part 1 9/9/2009 Obama Address to Joint Session of Congress

Video, Part 2 9/9/2009 Obama Address to Joint Session of Congress

Republicans in Congress Plan

Obama Plan

Five Myths About Healthcare Around the World

Senate Committee on Finance

AARP is updating a landing page that links to the various proposed bills. These bills are lengthy, but please remember that a pdf file can be quickly searched to fact check things that sound "fishy." If something sounds nonsensical, there is a decent chance that it is fabricated spin.

American Medical Association's (AMA) Positions great fact checking website
--another great fact checking website

Find Your Representatives

Contact the White House